About 6 or 7 years ago I did a computer search for various monohedral polygon tilings. I was hoping to find a 15th pentagon type, but got side-tracked into cataloguing all the tilings I found along the way. See my tilings page.
I did not find this one of yours, as it is 4-isohedral and I did not search for those much because my programs were too slow for that. The tile itself however is obviously of a known type, namely type 1 (two adjacent corners sum to 180, or equivalently two parallel sides). It is also of type 2. I would however be interested in seeing any other tilings you have found.
Recently Michaël Rao has announced a proof that the 15 known convex pentagon tile types are the only ones. You can read about it in this article, and read the draft paper here. It is plausible, but as it depends on an exhaustive computer search, it will be a while before it is replicated and confirmed.
Here is a picture of the tiling with the tiles coloured by isohedrality class:
During my searches I had also found a tiling using the exact same tile, but this one is 3-isohedral: