Consider the operation defined on $\mathbb Q$ as follows:
$a*b=\frac{\mathrm {num}(a)}{\mathrm {den} (b)}$, where $\mathrm {num}(a)$ and $\mathrm {den}(b)$ are numerator of $a$ and denominator of $b$, respectively.
This operation is of course not well-defined, such as the case of $a=\frac 13 = \frac 26, b = \frac 12 =\frac 36$, it is obvious that the two different representations of $a$ and $b$ gives different outcomes.
However, the operation is closed because it is the quotient of two integers, where $\mathrm {den}(b)$ is not zero, right?
I am not sure that I can say this operation is closed since I heard that we cannot discuss closedness of operation which is not well-defined.
How should I say about the closedness of this operation? Closed? or Can't discuss?