In the following I will use the standard notations.
Let's say our matrix in question is $A$ and it has the eigenvectors $v_1, v_2,...,v_n$ with the corresponding eigenvalues $\lambda_1,\lambda_2,...,\lambda_n$. Then we can write (as this is the definition of eigenvalues and eigenvectors) for each $i\in[1,n]$:
A\cdot v_i = \lambda_i\cdot v_i
If we take the matrix $V$ where each column is a $v_i$, we can write
A\cdot V = V\cdot diag(\lambda)
where $diag(\lambda)$ is the diagonal matrix, where all the $\lambda_i$ are on the diagonal.
$V$ is an orthogonal matrix, meaning that its columns and rows are orthogonal to each other, so (with $I$ being the identiy matrix)
V^{T}\cdot V &= I\\
V^{T} &= V^{-1}
So we can write
A\cdot V &= V\cdot diag(\lambda)\\
A &= V\cdot diag(\lambda)\cdot V^{-1} = V\cdot diag(\lambda)\cdot V^{T}
See also at the point that a complex symmetric matrix can be diagonalized by unitary congruence.
Here the authors modified $diag(\lambda)$ and rebuild the whole thing to $A'$.
An alternative is given by