Let me answer your last question.
Theorem. (Kirby, Siebenmann) Let $M^n$ be a closed $n$-dimensional topological manifold, where $n\ge 5$. Then the set of isomorphism classes of smooth structures on $M$ is finite.
You can extract this from their Classification theorem, page 155 of Essay IV of their book "Foundational essays on topological manifolds,
smoothings and triangulations", vol. 88 of Annals of Mathematics Studies, Princeton University Press, 1977.
The basic reason of finiteness is that (according to their classification theorem) the isotopy classes of smooth structures on $M$ are in bijective correspondence with vertical homotopy classes of sections of a certain bundle $E\to M$ and the homotopy groups of the fiber of this bundle are all finite. (The latter is because of finiteness of the group of smooth structures on $S^n$ with fixed $n$, which was proven by Keraire and Milnor.)
In dimensions $\le 3$ every topological manifold (compact or not) has unique (up to isotopy) smooth structure.
What happens in dimension 4 is anybody's guess. There are examples of closed 4-manifolds supporting infinitely many nondiffeomorphic smooth structures
(R. Friedman and J. Morgan, On the diffeomorphism types of certain
algebraic surfaces, I and II, J. Diff. Geom. 27 (1988), 297-398). It is conceivable that this is the case for all closed 4-manifolds.
It is known (again Kirby and Siebenmann) that in dimension 4 PL category is isomorphic to DIFF category (every PL manifold admits a smooth and the latter is unique). From this you can easily see that every closed 4-manifold has at most countably many smooth structures.
Edit 1. A direct proof of the fact that there are only countably many diffeomorphism classes of smooth compact manifolds is a corollary of
S. Peters, Cheeger's finiteness theorem for diffeomorphism classes of Riemannian manifolds, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 349 (1984) p. 77-82.
Namely, he gives a self-contained differential-geometric proof of Cheeger's theorem that given $n$, $D$, $V$ and $K$, there are only finitely many diffeomorphism classes of Riemannian $n$-manifolds of volume $\ge V$, diameter $\le D$ and sectional curvature in the interval $[-K, K]$. (Cheeger's original proof used results of Kirby and Siebenmann.) Now, take $D$ and $K$ to be natural numbers and $V$ be of the form $1/N$, where $N$ is a natural number. As I said in my comments, the proof is quite painful and you need to know some basic Riemannian geometry (say, the first 5 chapters of do Carmo's "Riemannian Geometry") to appreciate the proof. Of course, it is still much-much easier than to read Kirby and Siebenmann. If you really decide to understand his proof, you can do it in less than two months (starting with the definition of a smooth manifold). In contrast, you probably will never get to the point of understanding any proofs in Kirby-Siebenmann.
Edit 2. Here is a possible topology on the space of (isomorphism classes of ) smooth structures on an $m$-dimensional compact manifold $M$, which is inspired by the proof of Cheeger's theorem. Fix a finite smooth atlas for a smooth structure $s$ on $M$. This atlas determines (and is determined by) a collection of its transition maps, which are diffeomorphisms between open bounded subsets of $R^m$, $f_{ij}: U_{ij}\to V_{ij}$. Then you declare an open $\epsilon$-neighborhood of $s$ to consist of those smooth structures $s'$ on $M$ which admit a finite atlas with the connection of transition maps $f'_{ij}: U'_{ij}\to V'_{ij}$ such that:
- The domains $U_{ij}, U'_{ij}$ are within $\epsilon$-Hausdorff distance from each other.
Set $U''_{ij}:= U_{ij}\cap U'_{ij}$.
- The $C^1$-uniform distance between the maps $f_{ij}|U''_{ij}, f'_{ij}|U''_{ij}$ is $<\epsilon$.
One needs to check that this defines a basis of topology (this seems OK). I think this topology will be discrete because a smooth map between closed manifolds (sufficiently) $C^1$-close to a diffeomorphism is a diffeomorphism. However, I do not want to do either one of these things.