Let $L$ be a finite dimensional semi-simple Lie algebra, and $H$ a toral (maximal abelian) subalgebra. For any $h\in H$ I want to prove that $C_L(h)$ is reductive, i.e. its radical (=maximal solvable ideal) is equal to its center. How should I proceed?
What I did: Let $L=H\oplus (\bigoplus_{\alpha} L_a)$ be the root space decomposition of $L$ w.r.t. $H$. Let $L_{\alpha}=\langle x_{\alpha}\rangle.$ Then an element $h+\sum_{i=1}^k x_{\alpha_i}$ will commute with if and only if $h$ commutes with each $x_{\alpha_i}$. But $[h,x_{\alpha_i}]=\alpha_i(h)x_{\alpha_i}$ which forces that $\alpha_i(h)=0$ for $i=1,2,\cdots,k$.
After this I couldn't do anything. Any hint?