Based on our discussions, I would say this. Using an extended-real convention, the domain $\mathcal{D}$ is absorbed by $f$ itself, and the Lagrange dual is
\text{maximize} & g(\nu) \triangleq \inf_x L(x,\nu) = \inf_x f(x) + \nu^T ( Ax - b ) \\
There is no explicit dual constraint for this problem, because the Lagrange multiplier for an equality constraint is itself unconstrained. In contrast, for an inequality constraint $Ax\leq b$, the dual problem would have an explicit constraint $\nu \geq 0$.
However, we know that in practice, there are often values of $\nu$ such that $\inf_x L(x,\nu) = -\infty$. These serve as an implicit constraint on $\nu$ reflected in the domain of $g$. It is common practice to identify those implicit constraints and make them explicit. (Indeed, this is necessary if one does not wish to adopt an extended-real convention.) So the dual becomes
\text{maximize} & g(\nu) \triangleq \inf_x f(x) + \nu^T ( Ax - b ) \\
\text{subject to} & -\infty < \inf_x f(x) + \nu^TAx
This is true even if $f$ is not differentiable. If $f$ is differentiable on all of $\mathbb{R}^n$, then this is equivalent to
\text{maximize} & g(\nu) \triangleq \inf_x f(x) + \nu^T ( Ax - b ) \\
\text{subject to} & \exists x ~ \nabla f(x) + A^T \nu = 0
[EDIT: as the OP points out, there are cases where it is not truly equivalent; rather, it is a sufficient condition.] This will also hold if $f(x)$ is differentiable in an extended-real sense. That is, if:
- $\mathop{\textrm{dom}} f$ is open;
- $f$ is differentiable on its domain;
- $f$ serves as a barrier for its domain; that is, $f(x)\rightarrow +\infty$ as $x\rightarrow\mathop{\textrm{Bd}} \mathop{\textrm{dom}} f$.
Note that this specifically excludes cases where the domain of $f$ is "artificially" constrained, like the case we considered in the comments.
Anyway, subject to these assumptions, it is reasonable to call $\nabla f(x) +A^T\nu=0$ a "dual feasibility constraint". [EDIT: I still maintain that this is reasonable in practice, despite the exceptions found by the OP.] It may seem a bit restrictive to require this assumption at first. But I would suggest that if artificial domain constraints are replaced with explicit equality and inequality constraints instead, these restrictions are somewhat light.