Let $K$ be an infinite field and let $Z = K(x)$ and $L = K(x,y)$ with variables $x,y$.
Show that $(L : K), (Z : K)$ and $(L : Z)$ are all Galois extensions, but that $Z$ is not a stable intermediate field of $(L : K)$.
I have shown that if $K$ is an infinite field then $(Z : K)$ is a Galois extension.
A field extension $(L : K)$ is called a Galois extension, if $F(Aut(L/K)) = K$, i.e., if for any $a \in L- K$ there is an automorphism of $L$ which leaves $K$ pointwise fixed, but actually moves $a$.
$Aut(K(X)/K) = \{\phi \mid \phi : K(X) \to K(X) , \phi(k) = k \ \ \forall k \in K\}$ where $\phi$ is an automorphism.
Aut are of the form $\frac{ax+b}{cx+d}$.....can we conclude from here that for two variables we have $\frac{ax+by+cxy+d}{ex+fy+gxy+h}$
Can someone help in the problem with some hints?
Thank You!