I'm stuck trying to prove the following.
Let $N,P \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ with $P \neq O$. Prove the following: if $P=NP$ then $N$ has an eigenspace $E$ with $dim(E) \geq \text{rank}(P)$.
I thought maybe doing something like: $$\begin{align*} &&P= NP \\ &\iff& P*P^-{1} = N\\ &\iff& N = P*\mathbb{I_n} * P^{-1} \end{align*}$$ Now the $\mathbb{I_n}$ has the eigenvectors on its diagonal, or is that not correct?
The question does not state anything about the matrices being diagonalizable. I don't think my approach is any useful. Can someone point me in the right direction ?