The problem is to count the number of $d$-tuples of the integers mod $n$ where two points are considered equal if the coordinates of one are the inversions of the other.
More formally, we have $G=\mathbb{Z}_2$ acts on $\mathbb{Z}_n$ by $(0,m)\mapsto m$ and $(1,m)\mapsto -m \pmod n$ and this induces an action on $X=\mathbb{Z}_n^d$. Using Burnside's lemma, I have calculated that, $$|X/G|=\frac12[n^d+2^{d(n+1 \pmod 2)}]$$ and one can check $n=12$, $d=1$, this counts the $7$ inversion classes (in fact, jotting out the classes for a few $n$, with $d=1$, one can obtain the result by observation but I wanted to practice these tools).
Now I want to calculate the same result using Polya's theorem but I am having some trouble. I believe I have the solution for $d$-combinations and $d$-permutations, where $d\leq n$ and no repetitions are allowed. But I am unsure which weights to choose for $d$-tuples. Any help is appreciated.