When defining a smooth manifold $M$, one usually requires $M$ to be a topological space satisfying these $3$ conditions:
1) Locally euclidean
2) Hausdorff
3) Second countable
I want to verify that these are independent conditions, i.e., that one can find a topological space for each combination:
a) Locally Euclidean + not Hausdorff + not second countable
b) Not locally Euclidean + Hausdorff + not second countable (Ex.: $\mathbb{R}$ with coarse topology)
c) Not locally Euclidean + not Hausdorff + second countable
d) Locally Euclidean + Hausdorff + not second countable (Ex.: the long line $\omega_1\times[0,1)\setminus\{(0,0)\}$)
e) Locally Euclidean + not Hausdorff + second countable
f) Not locally Euclidean + Hausdorff + second countable (Ex.: union of two concurrent lines in $\mathbb{R}^2$)
I'm still stuggling with a), c) and e), since non-Hausdorff spaces are always so hard to think about... Any ideas?