A smooth manifold $M$ is orientable iff there exists a nowhere-vanishing top form (i.e. volume form). In a coordinate chart $U\subset M$ we can find a volume form over $U$ that corresponds to the standard volume form $\operatorname{vol} = dx^1\wedge\dots\wedge dx^n$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$.
My question is, why can't we just use a partition of unity on the manifold to glue these local volume forms together? I.e. given a partition of unity $\{\rho_i\}$ subordinate to atlas $\{(U_i, \phi_i)\}$, why can't we say that $\sum_i\rho_i\phi_i^*(\operatorname{vol})$ defines a global volume form on $M$? (in the same way that we prove the existence of a Riemannian metric on any manifold: locally define $g_i$ to be, for example, the Euclidean metric, then $g=\sum_i\rho_ig_i$ is a metric on $M$)