I have read some things in category theory and watched some lectures. There is a part of some lectures given by Steven Roman, on YouTube. At these lectures, he talks a bit about the process of abstraction, from what he said and from what I have observed until now, lets take an example of abstraction: Groups.
It seems that the whole usage of the concepts of groups depends on two phases: Identification and inheritance of properties. We first name some axioms (in this case, the axioms of group theory) and without mentioning any specific group, we deduce things with the previously given axioms and with this, we can deduce an arbitrarily long chain of theorems. Now if we can identify that some mathematical object behaves like a group, then this mathematical object inherits all the chain of deduced theorems and this is good because the step of identification is really small $\tiny( \text{we just need to check the axioms})$ compared to what the step of identification would be if we had to check every axiom and theorem. So, here I have a small hint of why the abstraction is made because I know some theorems of group theory and I have a fair guess of why these theorems would be important.
Now, changing the example, we can jump to categories and this is where I get lost. I understand that we can deduce things in categories and for certain categories, everything that was deduced is valid for any suitable category, that is: If we identify something as a category, then it inherits all those theorems deduced from categories. But now, I have no clue of why abstraction is made, nor which theorems would be important nor how they go from category to Its materialization in concrete mathematical objects.
There is also another thing: The idea of comparing categories, this seems even more misterious. What do we gain from being able to compare categories? Are there examples of relevant/important categorical comparisons at the level of elementary mathematics? Say: Real/Complex Analysis, Topology, Algebra and Combinatorics at an undergraduate level? I'm sorry if this question is bothersome but I guess Its the most organized and honest bunch of questions I could make.