let $(G,\cdot)$ be a group, and $g\in G$ we define a new operation on $G$, $a*b=agb$, is $G$ with the new operation is a group?
$(a*b)*c=(agb)*c=(agb)gc$ [because $(G,\cdot)$ is a group]
So associativity is preserved
Identity element:
We need to prove that there is $e$ such that $a*e=e*a=a$
$age=a$ , if $e$ is the identity element in $(G,\cdot)$ we get that $age=ag$ if not then $ge=e$ so $g$ is the identity element but $a*e\neq ae$
Because there is no identity element, the inverse element axiom can not be defined and so $G$ with the new operation is a magma
Are the claims correct?