Let $E $ be a smooth oriented vector bundle over a manifold $M$. Suppose $E$ is equipped with a metric $\eta$, and a compatible connection $\nabla$. Denote the dimension of $E$'s fibers by $d$.
Let $\Lambda_k(E)$ denote the exterior algebra bundle of $E$ of degree $k$. The orientation and metric on $E$ induce a Hodge-star operator: $ \star_k:\Lambda_k(E) \to \Lambda_{d-k}(E)$.
$\nabla$ induce a connection on $\Lambda_k(E)$ (which we also denote by $\nabla$). Note that this induced connection is compatible with the metric on $\Lambda_k(E)$ by $\eta$.
Question: Does $\star,\nabla$ commute?
i.e, is it true that $ \star_k (\nabla_X \beta)=\nabla_X (\star_k \beta)$ for every $\beta \in \Lambda_k(E),X \in \Gamma(TM)$?
It can be shown that the answer is positive if and only if $\nabla_X (\star_0 1)=0$ (for every $X \in \Gamma(TM)$):
Step I: We reduce the assertion to the case $k=0$ (see details below).
Step II: Further reduction to $\nabla_X (\star_0 1)=0$:
I think I can verify $\nabla_X (\star_0 1)=0$ in the case where $\nabla$ is flat (See step III below). However, I am interested in the general case.
Proof of Step II: Let $\beta \in \Lambda_0(E)=C^{\infty}(M)$. $$ (1) \, \, \star_0 (\nabla_X \beta)=\star_0 \big((\nabla_X \beta) \cdot 1\big) = (\nabla_X \beta) \cdot (\star_0 1) $$
$$ (2) \, \, \nabla_X (\star_0 \beta)= \nabla_X (\star_0 (\beta \cdot 1))=\nabla_X \big(\beta \cdot (\star_0 1)\big)=(\nabla_X \beta) \cdot (\star_0 1 )+ \beta \cdot \nabla _X (\star_0 1),$$
so by equations $(1),(2)$ above, $\star_0 (\nabla_X \beta)=\nabla_X (\star_0 \beta)$, if and only if $\nabla_X (\star_0 1)=0$.
Proof of the reduction to the case $k=0$ (Step I):
Recall the Hodge-star is defined via $$ \star_0 \langle v,w \rangle= w \wedge \star_k v$$ for every $v,w \in \Lambda_k(E)$.
Let $v,w \in \Lambda_k(E)$. Then,
$$ (1) \, \,\nabla_X (v \wedge \star_k w)=\nabla_X v \wedge \star_k w+ v \wedge \nabla_X(\star_k w)=\star_0 \langle \nabla_X v,w \rangle+v \wedge \nabla_X(\star_k w)$$
Moreover, $$ (2) \, \, \nabla_X (v \wedge \star_k w)=\nabla_X (\star_0 \langle v,w \rangle) \stackrel{(*)}{=} \star_0 \big(\nabla_X \langle v,w \rangle\big)=\star_0 \big( \langle \nabla_X v,w \rangle+ \langle v, \nabla_X w \rangle\big)=$$
$$ \star_0 \langle \nabla_X v,w \rangle + \star_0 \langle v, \nabla_X w \rangle$$
Where equality $(*)$ is exactly the statement for $k=0$.
Equalities $(1),(2)$ imply:
$$ v \wedge \nabla_X(\star_k w)=\star_0 \langle v, \nabla_X w \rangle=v \wedge \star_k (\nabla_X w).$$
The uniqueness of the Hodge_star imply $\nabla_X(\star_k w) = \star_k (\nabla_X w)$.
Proof of step III: $\nabla$ is flat $\Rightarrow$ $\nabla_X (\star_0 1)=0$.
We can work locally: Since $\nabla$ is flat, parallel transport is path-independent (see here), so we can build a positively-oriented parallel orthonormal frame for $E$ over a small enough neighbourhood around each point in $M$. Given such frame $E_i$, we have $\nabla_X E_i=0$. Thus, $$ \nabla_X (\star_0 1)=\nabla_X (E_1 \wedge \dots \wedge E_d )=\sum_i E_1 \wedge \dots \wedge \nabla_X E_i \wedge \dots \wedge E_d=0.$$