There are 20 pens in a box and 3 of them are without ink.
1.If I pick 3 pens randomly, what’s the probability that all the pens can write.
2.I pick a pen randomly and then I replace it back to the box. I repeat this procedure six times.calculate the probability that we picked at most one pen that with no ink
3.use a Poisson random variable to calculate it again
4.If I pick pens and replace them, how many pens do I have to pick on average until picking up the third pens without ink?
5.Pick out three pens together, and put them back to the basket if not all three are without ink. How many times will you repeat this procedure on average?
I think question one is a hypergeometric distribution
question 2 is a binominal distribution and what should I use in passion random variable since variance is not equal to mean and I don't know what should I do for the question 4 and 5