Let $f: X \to Y$ be a morphism of schemes over a field. I'd like to know why the sections of the sheaf $f ^* \Omega _Y$ are given by $d \phi$ for $\phi \in \mathscr O_Y$.
Does this mean that e.g. $f ^* \Omega _Y(X)=\Omega _Y(Y)$, without any additional constraints? Why can the sections of $f ^* \Omega _Y$ be seen this way?
$f^*$ is defined by $f ^* \mathscr F = f^{-1} \mathscr F \otimes_{f^{-1}\mathscr O_Y} \mathscr O_X$, and it is known that $(f^* \mathscr O_Y^{\oplus n})(U)= (\mathscr O_X^{\oplus n})(f^{-1}(U))$, so since $\Omega_Y$ is locally-free it follows that $\Omega_X$ is locally-free too. This seems "close" to what we want to show. How does the correspondence between sections of $f ^* \Omega _Y$ and elements $d\phi$ work?