Denote the Klein bottle by $K$. I can compute that$$\pi_1(K) \cong \langle a, b \mid ab = ba^{-1}\rangle, \quad H_0(K) = \mathbb{Z}, \quad H_1(K) = \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}, \quad H_2(K) = 0.$$
In what follows, I have already searched online for an answer, but could not find anything satisfactory, for reasons I will explain.
Question 1. What is a description of the isomorphism between the cellular and simplicial homology specifically here?
There is the following theorem in Hatcher, but I am interested in a description of the isomorphism between the cellular and simplicial homology in the specific case of a Klein bottle, and I would like to avoid using this theorem and see such a description from more basic principles.
Theorem 2.35. $H_n^{\text{CW}}(X) \approx H_n(X)$.
Question 2. What is a description of the abelianization map from $\pi_1$ to $H_1$ specifically here?
We can use the Hurewicz theorem or stuff from Section 2.A of Hatcher, but again, I would like to avoid using those and see such a description from more basic principles.