Before posting I read questions that were similar to mine but I didn't find an answer that was quite what I was looking for.
I want to learn all high school math from the ground up, but I want books that focus extremely heavily on proving every little thing rigorously. I made another post which was closed for being too broad because I specifically requested books for these topics: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability and statistics, Pre-calculus and calculus
So I guess I need to create one question for each of these topics so it's less broad (I hope this isn't against the rules or still too broad. I'm just looking for 1 or 2 examples, anything that would help me have a little more guidance and make it a bit easier to learn on my own, I'm certainly not looking for definitive answers, let alone debates).
I have already posted a similar topic about Geometry and have received some excellent recommendations. However, the introduction to one of the books says I need good, solid knowledge of Pre-Calculus and so that is what I am looking for right now. Even though this topic is usually taught in high schools, I'm looking for college level books, since I doubt high school books are as rigorous as I want them to be.
For reference, one of the ones I know about and am going to use for this project as a whole is Euclid's Elements, so I am looking for other books with that level of rigor (though additional explanations are always helpful, since Euclid's Elements is very rigorous but doesn't elaborate much on explanations).
Thanks a lot!