If $|z-\iota|\le5$ and $z_1=5+3\iota$ where $\iota= \sqrt{-1}$, then what would be the greatest and least value of $|\iota z+z_1|$ ?
My Attempt:
Now I know that if there are two complex numbers namely $a$ and $b$ then $$||a|-|b|| \le |a+b| \le |a|+|b| $$
Going according to this $$|z+(-\iota)| \ge ||z|-|(-\iota)||$$ $$|z-\iota| \ge ||z|-1| \tag1$$
From equation $(1)$ and using the input from questions (i.e. $|z-\iota|\le5$) $$\Rightarrow ||z|-1| \le 5$$ $$\Rightarrow -5 \le |z|-1 \le 5$$ $$\Rightarrow -4 \le |z| \le 6$$ $$\Rightarrow -4|\iota| \le |z||\iota| \le 6|\iota|$$ $$\Rightarrow -4 \le |z\iota| \le 6$$
Now its easy to deduce that $$|z_1|=\sqrt{5^2+3^2}$$
Now the greatest value of$ |\iota z+z_1|$ would be
$$|\iota z+z_1| \le |\iota z|_{max}+ |z_1|$$
$$\Rightarrow |\iota z+z_1| \le 6+ \sqrt{34}$$
Similarly the least value of$ |\iota z+z_1|$ would be $$|\iota z+z_1| \ge |\iota z|_{min}- |z_1|$$ $$|\iota z+z_1| \ge -\sqrt{34}-4$$
But my book says that the maximum value should $10$ and the minimum value must be $0$. Why is my answer wrong? ANY KIND OF HINT WOULD WORK.