In Guillemen and Pollack 2a asks if The $xy$-plane and the $z$-axis are transversal in $R^3$.
Intuitively I think the answer is yes as they "intersect" in a rather stable fashion. However I am having trouble verifying this more rigorously. To do so I am considering the definition of transversality:
$$\Im(df_x) + T_y(Z) = T_y(Y)$$
I considered taking $f : R^1 \to R^3$ to be the $z$ axis defined by:
$$f(t) = (0, 0, t)$$
$$df_x = \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}$$
And so the image of $df_x$ is simply the span of this vector. But I am unsure what $T_y(Z) = T_y(R^2)$ and $T_y(Y) = T_y(R^3)$.