If A and B are subgroups of G then is A∩B and A∪B also subgroups of G? I think that they both should be because they are both:
Closed: A∩B and A∪B are both in G.
Associative: A∩B and A∪B inherit this ability from G.
Have the identity element: A∩B are all the elements A and B share and A and B both have the identity element, thus, A∩B has the identity element. A∪B are all the elements A or B have and both A and B have the identity, thus A∪B has the identity element.
Have an inverse for each element: A∩B are all the elements A and B share, thus, if A and B share an element they must also share its inverse since A and B are subgroups. A∪B are all the elements A or B have so all elements will have an inverse.
Is my logic correct?