Suppose there are $K$ independent boxes, each of which has the same number of different colored balls, denoted as $N$. For the first case, we assume the colors of the balls in the $K$ boxes are the same. For the second case, we assume that the balls in the $K$ boxes are of different colors. For an example, the possible colors of balls are $\{\text{ red} ,\text{blue} ,\text{green} \}$. Assume that each box is of size $2$. Then, for the first case, each box is of balls $\{\text{ red} ,\text{blue} \}$. They are symmetric. For the second case, an example is $\{\text{red} ,\text{blue} \},\{\text{red} ,\text{green} \} $ and $ \{\text{blue} , \text{green} \}$. There is no necessity for the color permutation. But they are asymmetric.
Consider the experiment where each time we pick a single ball from each box randomly and get $K$ colored balls totally. Then, we would like to compare the expected number of colors for the $K$ colored balls, denoted as $\{B_1,B_2\}$, picked independently from the $K$ boxes under the above mentioned two cases. Intuitively, $B_1 \le B_2$. I have demonstrated it when $K = 2$. However, when $K$ goes larger, the case becomes more complicated. I am still confused by how to prove it theoretically.
Any references or approximations would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!