${\bf Proposition}$: If $f: X \to Y$ is a diffeomorphism, then $df_x$ is an isomorphism of tangent spaces.
${\bf Proof}$: Let $f: X \to Y$ be a diffeomorphism. Then $f$ is a smooth bijection and so is $f^{-1} : Y \to X$. Since $f$ is a bijection, $\dim X = \dim Y$. Therefore, $\dim T_x(X) = \dim T_y(Y)$ for all $x \in X, y \in Y$. Take any $h_1, h_2 \in T_x(X)$ for some $x \in X$ and take $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$. If $f(x) = y$, we need to show that $df_x(h_1 + h_2) = df_x(h_1) + df_x(h_2)$ and that $df_x(\alpha h_1) = \alpha df_x(h_1)$ and that $df_x:T_x(X) \to T_{y}(Y)$ is a bijection.
$df_x$ is a linear map so it is trivially true, by the definition of linearity, that it preserves the vector space structure between $T_x(X)$ and $T_y(Y)$.
To prove that it is a bijection, I need to show that $df_x(T_x(X)) = T_y(Y)$ and that if $df_x(h_1) = df_x(h_2)$, then $h_1 = h_2$. How can I go about proving these surjective and injective properties?