$x$ and $y$ are positive integers greater than $1$, such that $x^2-y^3=1$. what are the possible values of $x$ and $y$?
Question: I find, imputing values of $x$ and $y$, $x=3$ and $y=2$ is a solution.
Is there any other solution of this equation?
$x$ and $y$ are positive integers greater than $1$, such that $x^2-y^3=1$. what are the possible values of $x$ and $y$?
Question: I find, imputing values of $x$ and $y$, $x=3$ and $y=2$ is a solution.
Is there any other solution of this equation?
If $x$ is even, write $y^3=x^2-1 = (x-1)(x+1)$. The last two factors are odd and differ by 2, so they are coprime. From the equation, they are both cubes. So we have a pair of cubes which differ by 2, contradiction. So $x$ is odd.
Then write $x^2 = y^3+1 = (y+1)(y+w)(y+w^2)$, where $w$ is a primitive cube root of unity. We can emulate the first paragraph, after some work. We need to know that $\mathbb{Z}[w]$ is a UFD. We need to show $y+w^a$ and $y+w^b$, with $a\neq b$, are relatively prime in this ring. Then each $y+w^a$ is a perfect square. Then we note that squares (and associates thereof) of the algebraic integers in $\mathbb{Z}[w]$ are far apart, while the terms $y+1$, $y+w$, and $y+w^2$ are close to each other. This eliminates all but a small set of possibilities, which are easy to eliminate, leaving only $(1,0)$ and $(3,2)$.