If two events A and B are mutually exclusive (i.e. it's possible for just A to occur, or for just B to occur, but never A and B together), then the probability of either A or B occurring is the sum of the individual probabilities - i.e. $P(A \lor B) = P(A) + P(B)$. That's the additivity of probabilities that you might be thinking of.
So that means that, for example, if you roll a 100-sided die, then the probability of any individual value is 1%, i.e. $P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = \ldots = P(100) = 0.01$. Because those events are exclusive (if the die roll is a 17, it can't also be 98). And the total of all of them, which is the probability of rolling 1 or 2 or 3 or ... or 100, is $P(1) + P(2) + \ldots + P(100) = 100 \times 0.01 = 1$.
However, for independent events (i.e. ones where the outcome of one doesn't affect the other), the probability of both occurring is the product of their individual probabilities. For example, the probability of rolling a 56 on my 100-sided die, then getting heads when I flip a fair coin, is $P(56 \land H) = P(56) \times P(H) = 0.01 \times 0.5 = 0.005$, i.e. 0.5%. Similarly, on two separate rolls of the die, the probability of getting 56 and then 21 is $0.01 \times 0.01 = 0.0001$.
So, if the probability of some event is 1%, and it has 100 chances to happen (for example, I roll my 100-sided die 100 times, and see if I ever roll 100), then we figure it as such:
- The probability of rolling 100 in one roll is 0.01, so the probability of not rolling 100 in one roll is 0.99.
- The probability of not rolling 100 in 100 rolls is the probability that it isn't 100 the first roll, and it isn't 100 the second roll, and it isn't 100 the third roll, ..., and is isn't 100 the hundredth roll. So the probability of that is $0.99 \times 0.99 \times \ldots \times 0.99 = 0.99^{100} \approx 0.366$.
- The probability of getting at least one roll of 100 is equal to one minus the probability of never getting a roll of 100 (because the two events are mutually exclusive and between them they describe all possible outcomes, so the sum of their probabilities must be 1). So its probability is $1-0.366 = 0.634$, or 63.4%.