Definitions Let $X$ be a nice space with universal covering $\widetilde{X}$.
- Homology $H_*(X,R)$ with Ring Coefficients $R$ is the homology of \begin{align*} C_n(X;R) :=&\; \text{ free left $R$-module with basis $S_n(X)$}, \\ \cong&\; R \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}} C_n(X) \end{align*} where $C_*(X)$ is the singular chain complex.
Homology $H_*(X;M)$ with Module Coefficients $M$, where $M$ is a left $R$-module, is the homology of $$ C_n(X;M) := M \otimes_R C_n(X;R) $$
Homology $H_*(X;A)$ with Local Coefficients in $A$, where $A$ is a left $R[\pi_1X]$-module, is the homology of $$ C_n(\widetilde{X};R) \otimes_{R[\pi_1X]} A $$ where we view $C_n(\widetilde{X};R)$ as a right $R[\pi_1X]$-module using the monodromy action on $\widetilde{X}$.
Question: Is the local homology with local coefficients given by a left $R[\pi_1X]$-module $A$ (def. 3) the same as the homology with module coefficients in $A$, viewed as a $R[\pi_X]$-module (def. 2)? In other words, is the expression $$ H_n(X;A) $$ even well-defined? If not, what is a counter example?