I am trying to draw random numbers
$$Z_{l,m} = \int_{-1}^1 dx \, P_l^m(x)W(x)$$
Here $P_l^m(x)$ are the associated Legendre polynomials with integers $l\geq0$ and $-l\leq m \leq l$. The variable $W(x)$ corresponds to white noise with zero mean and variance
Here $\delta(x-x')$ is the delta distribution.
I noticed already, that $P_l^m$ is proportional to $P_l^{-m}$, hence I only need to draw numbers for $m\geq0$.
However, I am not sure at all if the remaining random numbers $Z_l^m$ are independent. Does anyone have ideas on either how to show the independence or on how to draw the random numbers?