A few years back, a friend of mine did a seminar on "Bridges across a tiled floor". A "bridge" was defined as a row or column of an $n \times n$ binary matrix consisting entirely of $1$'s, for example the third column and fourth row of
\begin{bmatrix} 1&0&1&0 \\ 0&0&1&0 \\ 0&1&1&1 \\ 1&1&1&1 \end{bmatrix}
The problem is to find the probability of selecting an $n\times n$ binary matrix with at least one bridge, when selecting from all $n\times n$ binary matrices. My friend made an algorithm using Markov chains for calculating it for a given $n$, but we never found a closed formula. I was wondering if there was a simple approach, or if anyone knows how to find the solution.
I made several attempts. My first attempt was to try a purely combinatorial solution, but the interconnectivity made it a bit ridiculous. I tried to solve the complementary problem by placing $0$'s on the main diagonal, permuting them, and considering all other choices for the other entries, but this resulted in multiple ways of attaining the same matrix. I tried solving the simpler problems of only column bridges or row bridges, which had simple solutions, but combining them proved difficult. And most recently (which I haven't fully fleshed out), I tried setting up a recursive relationship from the $n-1$ case to the $n$ case.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.