Suppose $p:E\longrightarrow B$ is a covering projection. I have a general question, on how to find the group of all deck transformations $\Delta(p)$. Is there a common way to do this, or what could be a good approach?
Thanks in advance.
Suppose $p:E\longrightarrow B$ is a covering projection. I have a general question, on how to find the group of all deck transformations $\Delta(p)$. Is there a common way to do this, or what could be a good approach?
Thanks in advance.
Recall what is the subgroup of $\pi_1(B)$ associated to the covering $p$. To this end, recall this prop:
Thm 1.38 [Hatcher page 67] Let $B$ be path-connected, locally path-connected, and semilocally simply-connected. Then there is a bijection between the set of basepoint-preserving isomorphism classes of path-connected covering spaces $p \colon (\tilde{B} , \tilde{b_0})\to (B, b_0)$ and the set of subgroups of $\pi_1(B, b_0)$, obtained by associating the subgroup $p_* \pi_1(\tilde{B}, \tilde{b_0})$ to the covering space $(\tilde{B}, \tilde{b_0})$. If basepoints are ignored, this correspondence gives a bijection between isomorphism classes of path-connected covering spaces and conjugacy classes of subgroups of $\pi_1$.
With that in mind, let's try to solve your doubt:
The key-point is Prop 1.39 on Hatcher which briefly tells you that if $p_* \pi_1(\tilde{B}, \tilde{b_0})$ is normal in $\pi_1(B, b_0)$, then the associated covering space is normal, i.e. the for each $b\in B$, and each pair of lifts $\tilde{b},\tilde{b}'$ of $b$, there is a deck transformation taking $\tilde{b}\to \tilde{b}'$. (and therefore it's uniquely determined by this). Moreover the proposition tells you that the group $\Delta(p)$ you are interested in, is isomorphic to the quotient $N(H)/H$, where $N(H)$ is the normaliser of $H$ in $\pi_1(B,b_0)$.
tl;dr: Your first step should be to determine the groups $H$ and $\pi_1(B,b_0)$, and then apply prop 1.39.