There are 6 single digit Fibonacci numbers. For all other number of digits in the decimal system, there are either 4 or 5 Fibonacci numbers. For example, between 10000 and 99999 there are 5:
10946 17711 28657 46368 75025
while between 10000000 and 99999999 there are 4:
14930352 24157817 39088169 63245986
My question is when the decimal place gets sufficiently large, does the ratio between those with 5 and those with 4 converge?
I ran some code and found out that from the first to the 60000th Fibonacci number, approximately 9841 decimal places have 5 Fibonacci numbers while approximately 2696 decimal places have 4 Fibonacci numbers. This puts the ratio at approximately 3.65.
Below is a list of the first 13 decimal places:
1 decimal place has 6 Fibonacci numbers
2 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
3 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
4 decimal place has 4 Fibonacci numbers
5 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
6 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
7 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
8 decimal place has 4 Fibonacci numbers
9 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
10 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
11 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
12 decimal place has 5 Fibonacci numbers
13 decimal place has 4 Fibonacci numbers