I found out the proof of Urysohn's Lemma from Rudin's book but I have couple questions which I am not able to answer.
1) Why Rudin wrote that "in terms of characteristic functions, the conclusion asserts the existence of a continuous function $f$ which satisfies inequalities $\chi_K\leqslant f \leqslant \chi_V$"?
But how to conclude from here that $f$ has compact support and it lies in $V$? I concluded from $\chi_K\leqslant f \leqslant \chi_V$ that $f=1$ on $K$, $f=0$ on $V^c$. But what we can say about $f$ on $V-K$?
2) Why he mentioned semicontinuous functions? I totally didn't understand this line.
3) Each $f_r(x), g_s(x)$ are lower semicontinuous (LSC) and upper semicontinuous (USC), respectively. Right? If $r=0$ $\Rightarrow$ $f_r$ is constant function $\Rightarrow$ $f_r$ is LSC. If $r>0$ then $f_r(x)=rh_r(x)$ where $h_r$ is the indicator of open set $\Rightarrow$ $h_r$ is LSC $\Rightarrow$ $f_r$ is LSC. If $s\in \{0,1\}$ then $g_s$ is USC since it's indicator of closed or constant function, respectively. If $s\in (0,1)$ then $g_s(x)=s+(1-s)h_s(x)$ where $h_s$ is the indicator of closed set.
4) If $x\in K$ then $x\in V_r$ for all $r$ $\Rightarrow$ $f_r(x)=1$ $\Rightarrow$ $f(x)=1$. Am I right? Note that Rudin never mentioned that $K\subset V_r$ for any $r$.
5) What's motivation to show that $f=g$? I suspect that if $f=g$ then $f$ is simultaneously LSC and USC $\Rightarrow$ $f$ is continuous. Right?