The day I learned about the Lebesgue integral was very exciting. A more general integral than Riemann, which is equal to it for all Riemann integrable functions (on finite domains)? Very cool.
Unfortunately, my curiosity led me to google, and my search results showed:
It turns out I'm more naive than I ever knew.
The question: Is there a "most general integral" of real-valued functions on the real line? One which agrees with the others where they are defined, but is defined on a superset of their domains? ("defined", for me, includes infinite integrals). The Khinchin integral seems like a candidate.
Note: I saw another similar question but it didn't ask about $\mathbb{R}$ specifically, which is my interest.
Note2: I don't mean "trivial" integrals, like one which is defined to be 0 whenever the Riemann integral is not defined, or equal to it otherwise. The answer would presumably have its own wikipedia page.