Construct $x$
from an unconstrained vector $u$
p &= \tfrac12\, u\h u &\qiq &p\ge0,\quad\pi = \|p\| \\
U &= \operatorname{Diag}(u) &\qiq &dp = u\h du = U\,du \\
x &= \frac{p}{\|p\|} &\qiq &\|x\| = \frac{\|p\|}{\|p\|}=\o \\
&&\qiq &x\ge0 \\
dx &= \LR{\frac{\pi^2\,I-pp^T}{\pi^3}}dp
&\quad\;\;=&\P\LR{I-xx^T}U\,du \\
where $\h$ denotes the elementwise/Hadamard product.
Rewrite the objective and calculate the gradient wrt $u$
\l &= w^Tx \\
&= w^T\,\c{dx} \\
&= w^T\,\c{\P\LR{I-xx^T}U\,du} \\
&= \P\BR{U\LR{I-xx^T}w}^Tdu \\
&= \P\BR{w\h u -(w^Tx)\,(x\h u)}^T du \\
\frac{\p \l}{\p u} &= \P\BR{w -(w^Tx)\,x}\h u \\
This gradient expression can be used in a gradient descent iteration
p_k &= \tfrac12\,u_k\h u_k \\
x_k &= \frac{p_k}{\|p_k\|} \\
g_k &= \frac{u_k}{\|p_k\|}\h\BR{w -(w^Tx_k)\,x_k} \\
u_{k+1} &= u_k - \sigma_k\,g_k \\
k &= k+\o \\
where the recipe for the step length $\sigma_k$ differs from algorithm to algorithm.
A good starting point for the iteration is to find the minimum component of $w$ $$j=\arg\min_j(w)$$ and set $u=40\,\e_j\:$ (the corresponding cartesian basis vector).
This would be the exact solution to the related problem with $\|x\|=\|x\|_\o$
and will be closer to the solution of the current problem with $\|x\|=\|x\|_2\:$
than a random guess.