We now treat the case of an alphabet of $k$ letters rather than a
binary alphabet. We use two classes of letters, the pattern being
represented by $WWY_0$ and an additional sequence of letters from
$Y_1$ to $Y_{k-2}.$ In this way we obtain $k$ letters total.
Now there are several cases, the easiest is if $W$ does not ocur at
all. These are given by
$$Q_{n, k-1} =
This quantity can also be computed by Burnside, I chose Polya because
the code for it was already written.
The second case is a necklace consisting of instances of $W$ only,
of which there is exactly one.
The third case is a necklace of blocks starting with an initial run
of ones of some length followed by other letters. The key observation
here is that any rotational symmetry must map the runs of ones to
themselves, so the symmetry of blocks corresponds exactly to the
symmetry of single letters. That means we may consider necklaces of
blocks instead of necklaces of letters.
We must now construct the inventory of blocks for use with Redfield-Polya Enumeration Theorem. A
block starts with a run of ones but a run of a single one is special,
in that it may be followed by any letter whereas a run of at least two
ones may not be followed by $Y_0.$ We make a design choice here,
marking all letters with a $Z$ so that the desired count is
coefficient on $[Z^n].$ We will show later how the variables other
than $Z$ can be optimized out. We thus get for the inventory of
$$WZ\sum_{q=1}^n (ZY_0+\cdots+ZY_{k-2})^q
\\ + \sum_{p=2}^n W^pZ^p (ZY_1+\cdots+ZY_{k-2})
\sum_{q=0}^n (ZY_0+\cdots+ZY_{k-2})^q.$$
We may form necklaces of one block, two and so on to $\lfloor n/2\rfloor$ of
these blocks. We therefore get the formula
$$1 + Q_{n,k-1} +
\sum_{s=1}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}
[Z^n] Z(C_s)
\left(WZ\sum_{q=1}^n \left(\sum_{r=0}^{k-2} ZY_r\right)^q
\\ + \sum_{p=2}^n W^p Z^p \sum_{r=1}^{k-2} ZY_r
\sum_{q=0}^n \left(\sum_{r=0}^{k-2} ZY_r\right)^q
Observe that the $Z(C_s)$ refers to the cycle index and not to the
variable $Z$, which counts the total letters in the necklace. We now
optimize this formula as promised and improve readablity and
efficiency. Making the substitutions we get
$$1 + Q_{n,k-1}
\\ +\sum_{s=1}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor}
[z^n] Z(C_s)
\left(z\sum_{q=1}^n (k-1)^q z^q
+ \sum_{p=2}^n z^p (k-2) z
\sum_{q=0}^n (k-1)^q z^q\right).$$
Clearly additional simplification is possible here as the sums have a
closed form but the resulting expression does not necessarily provide
a gain in insight or compactness.
With this formula in place we can start to compute counts. The
binary case is the same as in the companion post.
For three letters we get
$$3, 6, 10, 21, 42, 103, 237, 603, 1519, 3942, 10257, 27131, 71940,
\\ 192462, 516933, 1395636, 3781356, 10283911, 28050600, 76732047,
\\ 210414811, 578330649,\ldots$$
for four letters
$$4, 10, 23, 66, 192, 636, 2092, 7228, 25175, 89212, 318808, 1150444,
\\ 4177908, 15268494, 56078527, 206903020, 766342160, 2848351388,
\\ 10619472284, 39702648534,\ldots$$
and for five letters
$$5, 15, 44, 160, 604, 2510, 10545, 45825, 201669, 900307, 4057625,
\\ 18447565, 84444000, 388878560, 1799985435, 8368841895, 39062428790,
\\ 182961584260,\ldots$$
The Maple code for this was as follows.
Y :=
proc(n, k)
option remember;
local d, dd, ind, orbit, orbits, pos, shft;
if k = 1 then return 1 fi;
orbits := {};
for ind from k^n to 2*k^n-1 do
d := convert(ind, base, k);
dd := [seq(d[q], q=1..n), d[1], d[2]];
for pos to n do
if dd[pos] = 1 and
dd[pos+1] = 1 and dd[pos+2] = 0 then
if pos = n+1 then
orbit := {};
for shft to n do
orbit :=
[seq(d[p], p=shft .. n),
seq(d[p], p=1..shft-1)]};
orbits := {op(orbits), orbit};
pet_varinto_cind :=
proc(poly, ind)
local subs1, subs2, polyvars, indvars, v, pot, res;
res := ind;
polyvars := indets(poly);
indvars := indets(ind);
for v in indvars do
pot := op(1, v);
subs1 :=
subs2 := [v=subs(subs1, poly)];
res := subs(subs2, res);
pet_cycleind_cyclic :=
local d, s;
s := 0;
for d in divisors(n) do
s := s + phi(d)*a[d]^(n/d);
pet_cycleind_cyclic_num :=
proc(n, k)
local d, s;
s := 0;
for d in divisors(n) do
s := s + phi(d)*k^(n/d);
R :=
proc(n, k)
option remember;
local res, seg, inv, ovars, ofree, rest, gf;
if k = 1 then return 1 fi;
ovars := add(Z*Y[q], q=0..k-2);
ofree := add(Y[q], q=0..k-2);
inv := add(W*Z*ovars^q, q=1..n)
+ add(add(W^p*Z^p*(ovars-Z*Y[0])*ovars^q, q=0..n),
res := 0;
for seg to floor(n/2) do
gf := expand(pet_varinto_cind
(inv, pet_cycleind_cyclic(seg)));
res := res + coeff(gf, Z, n);
rest := pet_varinto_cind(ofree, pet_cycleind_cyclic(n));
1 + subs({W=1, seq(Y[q]=1, q=0..k-2)}, res + rest);
R2 :=
proc(n, k)
option remember;
local seg, gf, res;
if k = 1 then return 1 fi;
res := 0;
gf := z*add((k-1)^q*z^q, q=1..n)
+ add(z^p*(k-2)*z*add((k-1)^q*z^q, q=0..n), p=2..n);
for seg to floor(n/2) do
res := res +
(gf, pet_cycleind_cyclic(seg))),
z, n);
1 + pet_cycleind_cyclic_num(n, k-1) + res;
Just to be on the safe side here is another total enumeration routine,
this one written in Perl. It matches the values from the formula that
are listed above. (Practical to about $n=10.$)
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
MAIN : {
my $mx = shift || 10;
my $k = shift || 2;
my @res = ($k);
for(my $n=2; $n <= $mx; $n++){
my %orbits;
for(my $ind = 0; $ind < $k ** $n; $ind++){
my ($pos, $idx, @d);
for(($pos, $idx) = (0, $ind);
$pos < $n; $pos++){
my $digit = $idx % $k;
push @d, $digit;
$idx = ($idx-$digit) / $k;
push @d, $d[0], $d[1];
for($pos=0; $pos < $n; $pos++){
last if $d[$pos] == 1 && $d[$pos+1] == 1
&& $d[$pos+2] == 0;
pop @d; pop @d;
if($pos == $n){
my %orbit;
for(my $shft = 0; $shft < $n; $shft++){
my $str =
@d[$shft..$n-1], @d[0..$shft-1]);
$orbit{$str} = 1;
my $orbstr = join('|', sort(keys %orbit));
$orbits{$orbstr} = 1;
push @res, scalar(keys %orbits);
print join(', ', @res);
print "\n";