Let $X$ be a separable normed space. Is it true that every subspace is separable? If it was Hilbert space I would take the dense set and then their projections. It sounds trivial but I cannot prove or disprove it...
Thank you.
Let $X$ be a separable normed space. Is it true that every subspace is separable? If it was Hilbert space I would take the dense set and then their projections. It sounds trivial but I cannot prove or disprove it...
Thank you.
Let $X$ be a separable metric space and $x_n$ a dense subset. Let $a_m$ be an enumeration of the positive rational numbers and let $V_{(n,m)}=\{y \in X \mid d(y,x_n) < a_m \}$. This is a countable base of X.
Indeed, take an open set $U$ of $X$. For $y_0 \in U$ there is $\epsilon >0$ such that $B(y_0, \epsilon) \subset U$. Choose $x_{n_0}$ such that $d(x_{n_0},y)< \frac{ \epsilon }{4}$ and $a_{m_0}$ such that $ \frac{ \epsilon }{4}< a_{m_0} < \frac{ \epsilon }{2} $.Then $y \in V_y=V_{ (n_0 , m_0)} \subset U$ and $$U= \bigcup_{y \in U}V_y.$$