Let $f(x)=(p_1-x)\cdots (p_n-x)$ $p_1,\ldots, p_n\in \mathbb R$ and let $a,b\in \mathbb R$ such that $a\neq b$
Prove that $\det A={bf(a)-af(b)\over b-a}$ where $A$ is the matrix:
$$\begin{pmatrix}p_1 & a & a & \cdots & a \\ b & p_2 & a & \cdots & a \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ b & b & b & \cdots & p_n \end{pmatrix}$$
that is the entries $k_{ij}=a$ if $i<j$, $k_{ij}=p_i$ if $i=j$ and $k_{ij}=b$ if $i>j$
I tried to do it by induction over $n$. The base case for $n=2$ is easy $\det(A)=p_1p_2-ba={bf(a)-af(b)\over b-a}$
The induction step is where I don´t know what to do. I tried to solve the dterminant by brute force(applying my induction hypothesis for n and prove it for n+1) but I don´t know how to reduce it. It gets horrible.
I would really appreciate if you can help me with this problem. Any comments, suggestions or hints would be highly appreciated