I am having trouble understanding the exposition in the subsection titled Representing Covering Spaces by Permutations in Section 1.3 of the book Algebraic Topology by Hatcher.
Hatcher starts by showing that given a covering map $p:(\tilde X, \tilde x_0)\to (X, x_0)$, we can define an action of $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ on $p^{-1}(x_0)$ in the following way: A member $[\gamma]$ of $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ acts on a point $\tilde x\in p^{-1}(x_0)$ and gives a point $\tilde x'$ such that the lift of $\gamma$ starting at $\tilde x'$ ends in $\tilde x$. It is clear that this indeed defines an action of $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ on $p^{-1}(x_0)$.
Then Hatcher writes:
Let $X$ be a path-connected, locally path connected, and semi-locally simply-connected space, and let $p:\tilde X\to X$ be a covering map.
Then $p:\tilde X\to X$ can be reconstructed from the associated action of $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ on $p^{-1}(x_0)$.
This is how Hathcer proceeds to show that above. Write $F=p^{-1}(x_0)$ and let $p_0:\tilde X_0\to X$ be the universal covering space for $X$. We will use the explicit construction for $\tilde X_0$, where the points in $\tilde X_0$ are homotopy classes of paths starting at $x_0$. Define a map $h:\tilde X_0\times F\to \tilde X$ as $h([\gamma], \tilde x_0)=\tilde \gamma(1)$, where $\tilde \gamma$ is the lift of $\gamma$ in $\tilde X$ starting at the point $\tilde x_0$. Then we note that $h$ is a surjective local homeomorphism. Thus $\tilde X$ is homeomorphic to the quotient of $\tilde X_0\times F$ determined by the equivalence relation induced by $h$.
Then Hatcher shows that the $h$-fibre of a point $([\gamma], \tilde x_0)$ in $\tilde X_0\times F$ is all the points of the form $([\lambda\gamma], L_\gamma(\tilde x_0))$. Here $\lambda$ is any loop based at $x_0$ in $X$ and $L_\lambda(\tilde x_0)$ denotes the point $\tilde x_0'$ in $F$ such that the lift of starting at $\tilde x_0'$ ends at $\tilde x_0$.
Let us denote the quotient space by $\tilde X_\rho$, where $\rho$ is the homomorphism $\pi_1(X, x_0)\to \text{Perm}_F$.
I understand everything so far. But then Hacther writes the following which I do not understand:
Note that the definition of $\tilde X_\rho$ makes sense whenever we are given an action $\rho$ of $\pi_1(X,x_0)$ on a set $F$. There is a natural projection $\tilde X_\rho\to X$ sending $([\gamma], \tilde x_0)$ to $\gamma(1)$, and this is a covering space since if $U\subseteq X$ is an open set over which the universal cover $\tilde X_0$ is a product $U\times \pi_1(X, x_0)$, then the identifications defining $\tilde X_\rho$ simply collapse $U\times \pi_1(X, x_0)\times F$ to $U\times F$.
Here are the things not clear to me:
1) How is $\tilde X_\rho$ defined given an action of $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ on a given set $F$. Here we do not have the covering map $p:\tilde X\to X$. My guess is that it is defined as follows: $\tilde X_\rho$ is the quotient of $\tilde X_0\times F$ by the equivalence relation defined as $([\gamma], \tilde x_0)\sim ([\lambda\gamma], [\lambda]\cdot\tilde x_0)$, where $[\lambda]\in \pi_1(X, x_0)$.
2) If my guess is correct, then the map $\tilde X_\rho\to X$ sending $([\gamma], \tilde x_0)$ to $\gamma(1)$ makes no sense to me. For $([\gamma], \tilde x_0)$ is not even a member of $\tilde X_\rho$.
3) I see that $p_0^{-1}(U)$ can be thought of as $U\times \pi_1(X, x_0)$ where $U$ is evenly covered by $p_0$. This is because the number of sheets of $\tilde X_0$ is in bijective correspondence with $\pi_1(X, x_0)$. But I do not understand what Hatcher means by "the identifications defining $\tilde X_\rho$ simply collapse $U\times \pi_1(X, x_0)\times F$ to $U\times F$."
4) My main concern is to get a a covering map $\tilde X_\rho\to X$ such that $\bar h:\tilde X_\rho\to \tilde X$ becomes an isomorphism of covering spaces, and I do not see how to do this.
Thank you.