Axis Angle to quaternion and quaternion to Axis angle question
Greetings All (matlab / octave code)
Link to text file in case formatting gets messed up
I created two functions one to convert axis angle to quaternion and another one to convert quaternion to axis angle as far as I can tell the formulas are correct the question I have is when I create a quaternion from the axis angle format example: x=.3 y=.1 z=.6 and the angle is 45 degrees I get (0.962730w 0.119633i 0.039878j 0.239266k) which is correct when I check it. But when I plug this quaternion number back into my function I get back angle is 31.384 degrees x=.44233, y=.14744 z=.88465 I was expecting to get back x=.3 y=.1 z=.6 and the angle of 45 degrees the same thing I put in
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? The reason I'm doing it this way is to do rotations on values in arrays and not get gimbal lock. I also plan to plot it and animate it, and the axis angle format (x,y,z angle) is easier to understand when it comes to plotting
Iv'e included the code below with a link above to the text file since the formating sometimes gets messed up.
`%Vector taken in [i j k], angle in degrees
%quaterions given in Format [w xi yj zk] or [w x y z]
%Example of using function: ccc=quat([.3 .1 .6],45)
%Answer should be ->
%0.962730w 0.119633i 0.039878j 0.239266k
function Q= quat(vect,theta)
Q = zeros(1,4);
xyz_and_angle=[vect theta] %displays inputed data and theta angle before deg to rad conversion
%thetaconvert = (theta*pi/180)./norm(theta*pi/180) %convert deg to rad
Q(1,1) = cos(thetaconvert/2); %w value
Q(1,2)= px*sin(thetaconvert/2); % x value
Q(1,3)= py*sin(thetaconvert/2); % y value
Q(1,4)= pz*sin(thetaconvert/2); % z value
q1w=Q(1,1);%qw value
q1x=Q(1,2);%qx value
q1y=Q(1,3);%qy value
q1z=Q(1,4);%qz value
%Normalize Quaternion due to floating point errors
Q=Q./qnorm %normalize Q array
%quaterions taken in Format [w xi yj zk] or [w x y z]
%example ccc=[0.962730 0.119633 0.039878 0.239266]
%Answer comes back as angle is 31.384 degrees x=.44233, y=.14744 z=.88465
%not sure if the answer is right I thought it would be
%x=.3 y=.1 z=.6 and the angle of 45 degrees the same thing I put in above
function Q= quattoaxis(quat)
Q = zeros(1,4);
%Get angle from quat
%convert Quaternion to Axis
Q(1,1) = 2*acos(q1w) *180/pi %w / angle, I also included radians to degrees
Q(1,2)= q1x/sqrt(1-q1w^2) %x
Q(1,3)= q1y/sqrt(1-q1w^2) %y
Q(1,4)= q1z/sqrt(1-q1w^2) %z
axisangle=Q(1,1) %w / angle, I also included radians to degrees
axisx=Q(1,2) %x
axisy=Q(1,3) %y
axisz=Q(1,4) %z
%Normalize axis angle due to floating point errors
axisx=Q(1,2)/qnorm; %x
axisy=Q(1,3)/qnorm; %y
axisz=Q(1,4)/qnorm; %z
Q=[axisangle axisx axisy axisz]