If $f:\mathbb{D}\rightarrow\mathbb{D}$ is holomorphic then prove that $$\frac{|f(0)|-|z|}{1 + |f(0)||z|} \leq|f(z)| \leq\frac{|f(0)| + |z|}{1 - |f(0)||z|} $$
I have been wracking my brain for hours and am out of ideas. The hypothesis seems to suggest an application of the Schwarz lemma but I cannot find a suitable function - I've tried functions of the form $$\frac{f(z) - f(0)}{\mbox{scale factor}}$$ and none have worked. I also tried working backwards to obtain an inequality and got $$-|z|\leq|f(z)||1\pm f(0)z| - |f(0)|\leq |z|\;\;\;\mbox{(*) }$$ If I could prove $$|f(z)[1\pm f(0)z] - f(0)|\leq 1$$ then I could obtain (*), but with so few conditions on $f$ I have no idea how to proceed.