I'm working with the Modified Euler method sometimes called Heun's method or explicit trapezoidal method. I have a book on ordinary differential equations numerical analysis that claims:
The effect of rounding error on the accuracy of the numerical solution is very similar to the error of the numerical differentiation formulas: the truncation error decreases with h but the rounding error increases and there exist an optimal value for which the sum of both errors is minimum.
This optimal value for $h$ is very little (for example for Euler's method is $\sqrt\mu$ where $\mu$ is the accuracy of the machine) and so it's computationally expensive.
I have an example of what he is talking about with numerical differentiation formulas so for example take the differentiation formula:
$$f'(x_0) \simeq \frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h}~\text{ with error }~-h \frac{f''(\theta)}{2}$$
then I write $e(x)$ the rounding error on point $x$ and so the total error made while aproximating $f'(x_0)$ is $$ \frac{e(x_0+h)-e(x_0)}{h} - h \frac{f''(\theta)}{2}. $$ Assuming that rounding errors are bounded by $\epsilon$ and that $f''$ is bounded by M in $[x_0,x_0+h]$ then the total error verifies: $$ \left|f'(x_0)-\frac{f_1(x_0+h)-f_1(x_0)}{h}\right| \leq 2 \frac{\epsilon}{h} + \frac{h}{2}M $$ where $f_1$ is the approximation of $f$ with rounding error. So, when $h$ decreases the error of the formula (truncation error) decreases but rounding error increases.
My question is very simple, how can I get a similar situation for the trapezoidal method?