Let $1 \leq p<q \leq \infty$ (p an q are not related)
Let $\Phi$ be the vector space of all sequences with at most finitely many nonzero elements, meaning $\Phi=\{\{x_n\}_{n=1}^\infty|$ there is $n_o$ such that $x_n=0$ whenever $n\leq n_0\}$
Prove that $\|x\|_q \leq \|x\|_p$ for all $x \in \Phi$ and there is no constant $C$ such that $\|x\|_p \leq C\|x\|_q$ for all $x \in \Phi$
How can I show that $\sup_{0\neq x\in \Psi} \frac{\|x\|_p}{\|x\|_q}=\infty$? this proves both inequations but I cant manage to epand and solve the sup function. What is the system here? is it at all a good direction?