I want to compute the fundamental group of the double Torus using the Seifert-van Kampen theorem so then I choose $U=\text{double Torus} / \{\text{point} =x_1\}$ and $V=D$ the disc.
The thing is that when I want to compute the fundamental group of $U$ I do a deformation retraction of $x_1$ expanding it to the wire which form is an octagon, I know that a square (no matter which direction we choose in its sides) is homotopic to the figure eight, then I suppose I will have four circles, each pair corresponding to one of the squares that form the octagon wire, but then if I want to know the fundamental group of this I use again Seifert- van Kampen. The thing is that if I choose the open sets $U,V$ as each of the pairs of circles the intersection are only two points which is not path connected.
Then, How can I set four circles that only intersect in a point?, Can someone help me with this?
Using @QuiaochuYuan 's answer how do you compute the fundamental group if you don't have any relations to work with?
Note: I have read this but I think is a little bit involve, I think it should be easier because I think I should only work on the circles not bouquet circles.