My question is about how to interpret 'arbitrary customer' in the following scenario (see question 2. listed below):
"At a single server service station two types of arrivals occur. According to a Poisson process individual customers arrive at the station with a rate of 5 customers per hour. Next to that, according to a Poisson process groups of two customers arrive at the station with a rate of 3 groups per hour. It takes an exponentially distributed time with a mean of 225 seconds to serve one single customer. Customers are served in order of arrival.
- Determine the distribution of the number of customers in the system.
- What is the mean sojourn time of an arbitrary customer?
- What is the mean sojourn time of a customer who arrived in a group of two customers and who is served after the other customer arriving at the same time?"
So, to me, there are two possible interpretations for this: from (1.), we know the distribution, so we can calculate $E[L]$, the average number of customers in the system and apply Little's formula to obtain $E[S]$, the mean sojourn time (in this case, we have $E[L] = 11\cdot E[S]$, as we have on average 11 customer arrivals in one hour).
However, I felt pretty unsatisfied with this, as the 'arbitrary customer' could be the unlucky one and arrive as the second in a group, in which case, we could calculate $E(S)$ by splitting it up in the three possible arrival possibilities of a customer, where we would answer (3.) at the same time: \begin{align*} E[S] &= E[S\mid\text{arriving customer not in group}] \cdot P(\text{arriving customer not in group})\\ &\quad+ E[S\mid\text{arriving customer first in group}] \cdot P(\text{arriving customer first in group})\\ &\quad+ E[S\mid\text{arriving customer second in group}] \cdot P(\text{arriving customer second in group}). \end{align*}
My gut feeling tells me the first possibility is the right one, as it would be stupid to ask question (3.) after (2.), but it seems a little crazy not to talk about the position the customer arrives when we talk about the mean sojourn time of an arbitrary customer.
Hope you can help me with this!