Suppose we have a Riemann surface $M$ together with a holomorphic vector bundle $E \to M$ of rank n. let $K$ denote the canonical line bundle and let $E^*$ denote the dual bundle
I am trying to understand the tensor product $K \otimes E^*$.
I have lots of trouble, because I need to do this on my own and my background in differential geometry and multilinear algebra is not strong.
I shall try to explain how I would describe $K \otimes E^*$ locally, if somebody could comment on what goes wrong that would be immensely helpful!
The canonical bundle $K$ over a Riemann surface $M$ is the cotangent bundle, or the bundle of holomorphic $1$-forms. In local coordinates $(z,\overline{z})$ an element of $K$ can be written as $$ \omega = \frac{i}{2} f\,dVol_h $$ where $f$ is a holomorphic function on $M$ (or at least defined locally) and $dVol_h = \frac{i}{2}\, h dz\wedge d\overline{z}$, the Volume element induced by the metric $h\,dz\,d\overline{z}$ on $M$ (here again $h$ is a holomorphic function on $M$).
Question 1: Is this a correct way to describe the canonical bundle locally ?
The dual bundle $E^*$ can be described locally given a choice of basis $\{e_1,\dots, e_n\}$ for the bundle $E$. We take the dual basis $\{\phi^1,\dots\phi^n\}$ (so $\phi_k (e_l) = \delta^k_l$) and write $$ \sigma = \sum^n_{k = 1} g_k\,\phi_k $$ where the coeficients $g_k$ are holomorphic functions locally defined on $M$.
Question 2: is this description sufficient ? i fear the locality of what I want to show is not emphasized enough but i am not sure how the local coordinates $(z,\overline{z})$ on a patch $V \subset M$ (say) should be mentioned here. do i need to invoke local coordinates on $E$, or is this done by specifying the basis?
Therefore the bundle $K \otimes E^*$ consists of tensor fields which have local description $$ \omega \otimes \sigma = \sum^n_{k = 1} (\frac{i}{2}\,h\,f\,g_k)\, dz \wedge d\overline{z} \otimes \phi_k $$
Question 3: does this formula makes sens ? I am "very unsure" here - I have a wedge product and a tensor symbol and don't know how to write this in a correct way. Below I attempt to understand such an object, maybe my last lines give away more of my misunderstandings:
an element in $K \otimes E^*$ can be interpret as a map $TM \otimes E \to \mathbb{C}$. alternatively we can also think of it as something that can be integrated, that which would amount to a contraction of the tensor.
Question 4: do these interpretations make sense ? how would I write them out as rigorous definitions?
Many thanks for comments and help!!!