I want to construct a sequence of function $\{f_n\}$ that does NOT converge point-wise in a domain $D$ but converges point-wise almost everywhere in $D$.
Define: $$f_n:D=[0,1]\cup\{2,3\}\to \mathbb R, ~~~\displaystyle f_n(x)=x^n,$$ Then $\{f_n\}$ does not converge point-wise as , when $x=2,3$ then $f_n\to \infty$ as $n\to \infty$. But for the function $$\displaystyle f(x)=\begin{cases}0 &\text{ if }0\le x<1\\1 &\text{ if }x=2,3\end{cases}$$ $f_n\to f$ point-wise almost everywhere in $D$ as , $m\left(\{2,3\}\right)=0$.
Is my construction correct ? If wrong please tell me where my fallacy and give a correct example.