Let $X$ be a topological space with topology $\tau$. Let $U\in \tau$. Say that $U$ can be countably exhausted by closed sets if there exists a family of sets $F_n \subset U$ indexed by $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that
- $F_n \subset V \subset F_{n+1}$ for some $V\in \tau$;
- $X\setminus F_n \in \tau$; and
- $\bigcup\limits_{n\in\mathbb{N}}F_n = U$.
Is there a charaterisation of topologies for which every open set can be countably exhausted by closed sets?
Trivially if every open set is also closed (the discrete topology, say) then every open set can be exhausted. Just take $U = V = F_n$.
For an example in which exhaustion is impossible, consider the real line with the co-countable topology. If $U\subsetneq \mathbb{R}$ is open, and if $F_n$ is a non-empty closed set, we have that necessarily $F_{n+1}$ contains a non-empty open set, is closed, and hence must be $\mathbb{R}$. Hence exhaustion is impossible in this topology.
The first condition seems to suggest that the topology being normal may be part of a sufficient condition. (Indeed, normal + separable + Hausdorff seems to be enough; but how much weaker can we go?)