My question is regarding this blog post which I will paraphrase below:
The author gives the example of a category $\mathscr{C}$ with just one object and the identity morphism, and another category $\mathscr{D}$ consisting of two objects and 4 morphisms (2 identity and 2 non-identity). After some discussion the author reveals that all 4 of the morphisms in the category $\mathscr{D}$ must be isomorphisms, and the 2 objects in $\mathscr{D}$ are isomorphic. This example serves to motivate the notion of an equivalence of categories given that the two objects in our category $\mathscr{D}$ are "essentially the same," and that besides the number of objects and morphisms, $\mathscr{C}$ and $\mathscr{D}$ behave the same.
They then define equivalent categories as those whose composition of functors are naturally isomorphic to their respective identity functors, i.e. for functors $F:\mathscr{C}\to \mathscr{D}$ and $G:\mathscr{D}\to \mathscr{C}$ we must have that $G\circ F\cong id_{\mathscr{C}}$ and $F\circ G \cong id_{\mathscr{D}}$.
But why go through this whole process of defining this notion of equivalent categories if we can just create a single equivalence classes of objects via the equivalence relation of being isomorphic, and make morphisms defined on the same equivalence class "the same?" This way we can define an isomorphism of categories by sending the equivalence class of objects in $\mathscr{D}$ to the one object in $\mathscr{C}$ and similarly with the morphisms.
Or is there some other benefit to the notion of equivalence that I am not aware of?