For studying root systems many authors start from a vector space $V$ over $\mathbb{R}$ with a positive definite scalar product $(\cdot,\cdot)$, in which a reflection $\sigma_\alpha$ is a linear application that fixes the hyperplane $H_\alpha$ and send $\alpha$ to its opposite. In formulas \begin{gather} \sigma_\alpha(\beta)=\beta- <\beta,\alpha>\alpha \end{gather} where $<\beta,\alpha>=$$2(\alpha,\beta)\over (\alpha,\alpha) $. Then a root system is defined as a subset $R$ of $V$ such that
- $\langle R \rangle =V$, $R$ finite and $0 \notin R$
- $\mathbb{R}\{ \alpha\} \cap R=\{\pm \alpha \}$ if $\alpha \in R$
- for every $\alpha, \beta \in R$, $R$ is invariant under $\sigma_\alpha$ and $<\beta,\alpha>$ is an integer.
This is a quite strong structure, but all the properties envolved arise naturally in the form of the weights $\mu \in H^*$, where $H$ is the Cartan subalgebra of a complex Lie algebra $L$ (we are considering the adjoint representation). Then we can consider on $H^*$ the dual of the Killing form, that is again symmetric and positive definite. In this environment, we can restrict to $V_\mathbb{Q}$, the $\mathbb{Q}$-span of the non zero weights in $H^*$, (indeed one can prove that the dual of the killing form take rational values, see the chapter "Integrality Properties" of "Introduction of Lie Algebras and Representation theory", Humphreys) then consider $V=V_\mathbb{Q} \otimes_\mathbb{Q} \mathbb{R}$ and check that these are a root system in $V$. For proving the characterization of semisimple lie algebras, this can be a start point.
Nevethless, some authors need to weak slightly the definition of a root system, starting from a vector space $V$ on $\mathbb{R}$ (without scalar product) and define a root system $R$ as a subset of $V$ such that
- $R$ is finite, generates $V$ and $0 \notin R$
- $\alpha \in R \implies$$ \alpha \over 2$$ \notin R$
- for each $\alpha, \beta \in R$ there is $\alpha^\vee \in V^*$ with $\alpha^\vee (\alpha)=2$ and $\alpha^\vee(\beta) \in \mathbb{Z}$ and $s_{\alpha^\vee,\alpha}(R) \subseteq R$
Where for $\lambda \in V^*, w \in V$ $s_{\lambda,v}(w)=w-\lambda(w)v$. Then, considerd $G$ the finite subgroup of $GL(V)$ that preserves $R$ and $(\cdot,\cdot)$ a generic positive definite scalar product, we define \begin{gather} (\alpha,\beta)'=\sum_{g\in G}(g\alpha,g\beta) \end{gather} After realizing that $(\cdot,\cdot)'$ is a positive definite scalar product by which $G$ acts by isometries, we can prove that
- $\alpha^\vee$ is uniquely determined by $\alpha$
- $\alpha^\vee(\lambda)=2\frac{(\alpha,\lambda)'}{(\alpha,\alpha)'}$
Here the identifications: $\alpha^\vee$ is the element $h_\alpha$ such that $x_\alpha,y_\alpha,[x_\alpha,y_\alpha]=h_\alpha$ are the usual generators of a copy of $sl_2$ and $\alpha^\vee(\lambda)=\lambda(h_\alpha)$ after $H^{**}=H$.
My first question: what is the relation between $(\cdot,\cdot)'$ and the dual of the Killing form? My guess is that they differ from a scalar, but I cant prove it directly.
My second question: the second approach has the property that make easier to prove that the non zero weights of a Lie algebra via the adjoint representation are a root system, indeed we can avoid the use of the "orthogonality relations", but we need more work to return to the stronger situation of the first definition. So what is the real advantage of the second way?