Consider the following two propositions:
- $p$: We can go to Cancun.
- $q$: We can go to Iceland.
Using symbolic notation,
a) Form the conjunction ($\land$).
$p \land q$: We can go to Cancun and we can go to Iceland.
b) Form the disjunction ($\lor$).
$p \lor q$: We can go to Cancun or we can go to Iceland.
c) Write the negation ($\neg$) of part a) as a logical statement and as an English sentence.
$\neg p \land \neg q$: We cannot go to Cancun and we cannot go to Iceland.
d) Write the negation ($\neg$) of part b) as a logical statement and as an English sentence.
$\neg p \lor \neg q$: We cannot go to Cancun or we cannot go to Iceland.
I just want to make sure that my answers are correct. Specifically, I am worried about (d), as I find it to be confusing; is it correct?