When we replace every edge of the complete graph $K_N$ by a pair of directed edges, we get a complete directed graph, the Complete DiGraph $DK_N$ . Let $DL_{N}$ be directed line graph of the complete digraph.
How to get the adjacency matrix $L$ of $DL_N$?
My attempt:
I setup a $N\times N$ matrix, like follows (e.g. $N=4$): $$ \mathcal I=\pmatrix{ 0&(0,1)&(0,2)&(0,3)\\ (1,0)&0&(1,2)&(1,3)\\ (2,0)&(2,1)&0&(2,3)\\ (3,0)&(3,1)&(3,2)&0 } $$ so $\mathcal I$ is something like an index matrix, with $\mathcal I_{x,y}=(x,y)$. Then $$ L_{a,b}=\mathcal \delta_{y_ax_b}, $$ with $a=x_aN+y_a$ and $b=x_bN+y_b$. Where $\delta_{y_ax_b}$ means that we choose two non-diagonal elements of $\mathcal I$, namely $\mathcal I_{x_a,y_a}$ and $\mathcal I_{x_b,y_b}$. This is not symmetric because ingoing edges are only linked to outgoing ones.
Is this correct? Are there other ways to get $L$?